Masturbation the world over just recently made its way out of the narrow confines of cultural puritanism, religious taboos and even clinically sanctioned fatwas. It's no revelation, then, that solo play has had a bad reputation throughout history, even if people have been doing it utterly unscathed from time immemorial. Over millennia, masturbation has been said to result in mental illness, weight loss, neurosis, acne and even baldness (so I guess women weren't even given the benefit of suspicion when it comes to the act of masturbation). It had even found its way into scripture in the occasional odd paragraph that makes an example of some poor soul caught committing this misdeed.
Thankfully, enlightenment and modernity came along, and people began to accept that masturbation was just one thing that wasn't bad for us. In fact, having a healthy masturbation routine can actually be good for you! Masturbation is an excellent stress reliever, and stress is well known to be bad for your physical and emotional health. Bonus: masturbation is good for vaginal health because it increases blood flow to the vagina.
However, most folks haven't even come around to the point where they can even admit that they masturbate. But that is its issue. Let's focus on ways to take solo play to the next level, shall we? Elevate your masturbation routine.
Special Moment
Make it a special moment. Clean your room. Lock your door. Turn off your phone. Wear your fav undies. Put on music that will get into the groove. Or do anything else that will make a special moment for you. Instead of treating it as a part of your daily routine or, worse, an escape from the daily grind, celebrate it as a special moment. That will make the sensations more unique as well.
Morning Glory!
Masturbate in the morning! If you usually masturbate before bed, why not try it in the morning, before work? Starting your day with an orgasm is practically a guarantee for a day of pleasant thoughts. Your skin will also have that special glow, so you'll look fresh and healthy.
Be a tease
It's often said that a tease is no fun, but when masturbating, don't be afraid to tease yourself. If you're not in a rush, bring yourself to the brink of orgasm, then stop yourself. Take it to the edge, teetering there for a while and then pull back. Do this a few times in a session. The stronger the buildup and tension you can create, the greater the sensation. Playing with your erogenous zones can build up the tempo.
You have the gift of imagination for a reason! And come on, let's move beyond the regular celebrity sexual fantasy. Let your mind wander; there are so many places it might go. Put yourself in strange, improbable situations; you could be surprised to find out where you land. Shut your eyes and let your fantasies unravel.
Use a tool
Some women prefer their hands, others their collection of vibrators, and, as some people will attest to, a shower head with appropriate pressure can also be a great pleasure. If you're usually a shower or vibrator person, try just your hand for a change and vice versa. You don't know how hard you can orgasm if you don't try different tools for satisfaction. With men, you can always try lubricants and men's masturbators to make things more exciting.
Written by Rheea Mukherjee. Rheea spent most of her life moving between the US and India. In 2011, she decided enough was enough and moved back to Bangalore for good where she founded Write Leela Write with her friend Kala. Rheea writes awesome blogs and other things for Lovetreats. She loves dogs, attempts yoga and fantasizes about becoming vegan. Rheea also just published her first book, "Transit For Beginners"!