Popular culture dictates that sex is best had when you're young. It's an unwritten, almost propagandist rule that young relationships and sex among the virile sell and inspire. Think about it, how many sex scenes have you seen that involve two middle-aged actors? We couldn't even find sexy stock photos of a middle-aged woman for this blog (apologies!).
These ideals leave the young perplexed when their relationships don't resemble those on T.V. I mean, don't you remember your first few sexual encounters? Weren't they a little awkward? They most likely were! Because you just hadn't learnt the ropes yet. Many studies reveal that sex improves as you age, and we've got all the proof you need.
You Get More Confident
On just a general behavioural front, people become more confident as they get older. Our insecurities about our bodies tend to diminish, which helps lessen performance anxiety. Truth be told, sex in our 20s is primarily about experimentation, trying new things and getting to know what you like and don't like. However, in your 30s, a bit of Zen kicks in.
Women's Chances Of Climaxing increases
As your age increases, so does your enjoyment of sex. In fact, an OkCupid study conducted in 2011 even found that women in their early 20s had about a 40 per cent chance of having difficulty reaching an orgasm, while that percentage dropped to around 20 per cent for women in their 40s.
Sex Can Get Wild
As we'd already mentioned, your confidence only increases as you get older. So, the odds of trying new things in bed also increase. New positions and new ways of roleplaying come to mind.
Your Awareness Increases
By the time you’ve hit your 30s, you’re well aware of your body, what it can take and what you like the best. Awareness directly relates to the way you enjoy sex, so sex only gets better as you get older! So as the candles increase on that delicious birthday cake, enjoy every year as it comes and embrace who you are, what you like, and how you do it! The experimentation in your 20s provides a perfect research field for what works for you and what doesn’t.